睡眠 Your Way to Whole Body Health
睡眠 Questions 和 Answers
Getting a good night’s sleep every night is vital to cardiovascular health. Adults should aim for an average of 7-9 hours, 和 babies 和 kids need more depending on their age. Too little or too much sleep is associated with heart disease, studies show.
睡眠 is absolutely instrumental in cognitive function, mental acuity 和 the ability to concentrate 和 learn new things.
Your sleep habits can have a lasting effect on your overall health. Simply tweaking a few of your tech device habits can help upgrade your sleep hygiene for a better night’s rest.
睡眠ing in over the weekend doesn’t counteract the harmful effects of not getting enough sleep the rest of the week — what researchers call sleep debt.
Mom was right—you need your sleep.
Establishing a Wake-up Routine
Good sleep habits 和 an effective morning routine can help you wake up feeling energized 和 prepared for the day ahead. Try these tips 和 techniques to start your day right.
睡眠 Better with a Bedtime Routine
Here are some ways to plan your bedtime routines so you wake up feeling well rested 和 ready for the next day.
生活的真谛™ - How to Get Healthy 睡眠
Life’s Essential 8 are the key measures scientifically proven to determine cardiovascular health. Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk for heart disease, stroke 和 other major health problems.